Marketing Your MLM: Is Blogging Worth your Time?

by Andrew Lovelace - Posted 5 years ago

Building an MLM business takes a lot of work and time. Between choosing the right MLM Software to creating great products, and designing the perfect compensation plan, who has time for blogging?

Marketers are still claiming that content creation (like blogging) is still one of the top ways to get more traffic and leads for your business. But is blogging right for your MLM company?

Ways blogging can benefit your MLM business:

Blogging brings more traffic.

No one can deny that blogging brings more visitors to your company website. Studies have shown again and again that more web pages means better search optimization, which equals more traffic.

I won’t bore you with a bunch of statistics, you can read them here yourself.  Take my word for it: Blogging helps create more indexed pages, which means your website is showing up more often in search, and therefore more likely to get traffic to your pages.

Blogging builds trust.

With billions of web pages and millions of online businesses to choose from, trust is crucial in gaining leads for your business.

Building a brand is synonymous with building trust. One great way you can earn the trust of your visitors is by writing authentic blogs. 

One of the top award winning blogs is by CEO Richard Branson of Virgin Group. He is not the only blogger on the site, but his honest blogs filled with his personal insights, images, and motivational words is popular. It not only brings traffic to the site, it helps put a face to a brand. Remember, people buy from people, not from brands. Give your company that extra boost of personality through a blog.

Blogging generates leads.

Blogging brings more traffic and builds trust in visitors. It will then help turn visitors into leads. It is a great way to communicate your Unique Selling Point without a heavy sale. 

A blog can also offer something for free that visitors find useful, leading them to leave their information with you to continue getting the information.
Through informative, personalized blogs, you’re connecting with your target audience and letting them know why your business is right for them. You are effectively removing the barriers to a conversion and making the process painless for visitors.

Now that you understand the benefits of blogging, let’s talk about how you can get started.

Blogging Tips for MLMs

Step 1. Identify the best MLM blogging topics.

Planning on our your topics ahead of time will make sitting down and generating actual content much easier in the long run.

Start by defining your audience and doing a little research into what they are interested in. 

Make a list of topics that are related to your business and will also be interesting to your audience.

Make sure you segment your audience properly. For example, people signing up to join your business will not be the same as end users buying your product or service. Your blogs should speak directly to your audience, so the more you can narrow and segment, the more they will relate to your content.

Step 2. Write the content.

Once you’ve created a list of blog topics based on your knowledge of your audience, decide how you’re going to create content.

If you’re not much of a writer or you don’t have the time, hire a content writer or start looking for blog contributors.

Contributors could include people in your business, or businesses in related industries (such as vendors) that will write content in exchange for a link back to their website. This is also a great way to get some fresh content on your website and expand your audience reach.

Still struggling to create enough content? Try posting on college job boards. You might be pleasantly surprised at what they could bring to the table.

Step 3. Use the right blog software.

You’ve got a lot of options when it comes time to choose the software for your blog. A few things to look for in your blog software:

Does it integrate with your website?

If you pay for each feature (website, blog, email, etc.) separately, it can get expensive. Not to mention the fact you’re logging into several different platforms and learning how to use each. Getting a website with all these included, or at least a website that comes with a blog platform, is usually the easiest and most cost-effective approach.

Does it let you collect leads?

Having a form or pop over somewhere on your blog is one of the most effective ways to capitalize on it. You can also utilize a side bar that encourages more reading, allows you to include lead magnets, or just get subscribes.

Can you view results?

Most blogging software is going to include some kind of analytics. If not, make sure you install Google Analytics to keep track of what blogs are performing best, where your traffic is coming from, and where visitors go on your site after reading your blog.

MLM blogging Best Practices

Now that we’ve gone over the WHY and HOW for MLM blogging, let’s talk about some best practices for running an MLM blog:

Be authentic.

People are looking to make connections. They want to see the face behind the brand, and get ot know you on a personal level. The more personable you can be, the more they’ll relate to you. This in turn, will increase the likelihood of them make a purchase or joining your business.

What are ways to be authentic? Write about your experiences. Share photos or videos of you in action. Try using a Vlog instead of just writing posts.

Be truthful and honest about yourself, and your business. 

Be excited.

If you’re not genuinely thrilled with your business, your products, and your industry, how can you expect anyone else to get excited about it?

Most business owners or leaders like yourself aren’t going to put in the effort to launch and grow the business unless you’re excited. Make sure you’re communicating your excitement to your audience.

Be interesting.

Sounds like a no-brainer, right? But you’d be surprised how many dry, boring, or self-promoting blogs are out there. 

Each blog you write needs to provide some value to the reader. Not only that, but the value needs to be communicated instantly, in the title and headers of the blog.

Choose topics that are interesting, valuable, and then tell a story. The best bloggers are storytellers. They tie their experiences or other great stories into a lesson, informational article, or cautionary tale they share.

Be everywhere.

You can’t just be posting content on your blog. Your content should be on YouTube, Instagram, and other niche sites where you can connect with your audience.

Create images that people will want to share on places like Facebook or Pinterest.

Create videos that tell a story on YouTube can be embedded in emails.

Try using your content to make unique GIFs on, and share those.

Ask other bloggers to post your content, and post theirs.

Ask other bloggers to link to your content and offer to link to theirs.

A blog shouldn’t just live on your blog. The whole point is to draw in traffic, but you can’t just live by the maxim “If I build it, they will come.” The market has become way too competitive for that approach. You need to seek out your audience.

Be ready to work.

I never said using a blog for your MLM business would be easy. But it can be very effective if you’re willing to put in the time.


If you're looking for new ways to grow your MLM brand and share your opportunity, consider blogging as a great option. It builds trust, brings more traffic, and helps visitors connect with your brand.

Follow the steps to successful MLM blogging, and keep in mind the MLM blogging best practices: Be authentic, be excited, be interesting, and be everywhere.

Have any blogging tips to share, or questions? Drop them in the comments below.

Ben 5 years ago
Testing ain't always fun!
Ben 5 years ago
Ben 5 years ago